Retiring on Low Income


Language: English
Certification: Yes
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Digital Badge: Yes
Course Length: 5 hours and 30 minutes

Additional Course Information

CE / Continuing Education / Finance & Insurance / Financial Planning

SKU: CE-4232-123

Course by: Business Career College

Introducing Retiring on a Low Income a pro-bono course for anybody to take, free of charge. 

This new course offers accreditation with FP Canada, Advocis, and IIROC for 5.5 CE credits. The course provides a working knowledge of the government benefits programs available fo low-income retirees. It further provides a look at the savings and investing options available to low-income retirees, and how to optimize from those options. 

Upon completion of this course, you will gain an understanding of the impact of earned income and taxes on low-income retirees. 

  • A series of case studies.
  • Recorded conversations with financial planners about how this works in practice.

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